Thailand Long-term Resident Visa

Thailand Long-term Resident Visa

Thailand Long-term Resident Visa. Travelers and expatriates alike have long been enthralled with Thailand’s beautiful scenery and rich cultural tapestry. The Thailand Long-term Resident Visa is an important step forward for anybody looking to establish a deeper long-term relationship with the Land of Smiles. The Long-Term Resident Visa in Thailand is thoroughly examined in this article, along with its qualifying requirements, application procedure, and advantages for individuals who decide to make Thailand their permanent home.

I. Revealing the Thailand Long-Term Resident Visa

For foreign people wishing to remain in the Kingdom for a lengthy period of time, there is a unique visa category called the Thailand Long-term Resident Visa. It gives holders the opportunity to live in Thailand for an extended length of time, allowing them to get more deeply connected to the kind people and dynamic culture of the nation.

II. Qualification Standards

A. Age Requirement: At the time of application, candidates must be at least 50 years old.

B. Financial Stability: Applicants must show that they have the resources to support themselves while living in Thailand, either by a minimum monthly income or a sizeable lump sum in savings.

C. Clean Criminal Record: It is required that the applicant have no criminal convictions, both in Thailand and in their home nation.

D. Health Insurance: Documentation of current health insurance that pays for medical costs in Thailand during the resident’s stay.

III. Necessary Records

A valid passport is one that still has at least a year on it.

B. Financial Records: Proof of sound financial standing, such as bank or pension records.

C. Health Insurance Certificate: Accurate records of health insurance that satisfy the required standards.

D. Medical Certificate: A document from a medical professional attesting to the applicant’s health and lack of infectious diseases.

E. Criminal Record Check: A certificate of police clearance attesting to a spotless criminal history.

IV. How to Apply for a Long-Term Resident Visa

A. Application Submission: The applicant submits his or her application for a Long-term Resident Visa to the Thai embassy or consulate in the nation of origin.

B. Processing period: Depending on the applicant’s nationality and the particular criteria of the Thai consulate or embassy, the processing period for a Long-Term Resident Visa may differ.

C. Notification of Approval: The applicant will receive notification of approval along with instructions on how to get their visa.

V. Advantages of Long-Term Resident Visa

A. Extending Stay: Individuals with a Long-Term Resident Visa are permitted to live in Thailand for a maximum of five years, with the possibility to extend.

B. No Need for Work Permit: In order to reside in Thailand, holders of long-term resident visas are exempt from the need for a work permit.

C. Cultural Immersion: Spending more time in the area enables a more thorough understanding of Thai culture and a better integration into the local society.


Entering Thailand, a nation well-known for its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and kind people, is made possible by the Thailand Long-Term Resident Visa. Through comprehension of the qualifying requirements, assembling the required paperwork, and following the application procedure, people can confidently and enthusiastically set off on their adventure. In the Land of Smiles, the Long-term Resident Visa presents a singular chance to forge enduring relationships and make lifelong experiences.

Title Search in Thailand

Title Search in Thailand

Title Search in Thailand. A real estate investment is a big deal, so making sure the property is owned legally is crucial. A comprehensive title search is an essential part of the real estate transaction process in Thailand. This article explores the significance of title searches in Thailand, the property title law system, and the procedures for carrying out a thorough title search.

I. The Significance of Title Search

A. Protecting Property Buyers:

  1. Title searches offer a thorough examination of a property’s past owners, guaranteeing that purchasers are interacting with reputable sellers.
  2. Knowing that there are no liens or legal issues against the property’s title gives buyers confidence in the deal.

B. Risk Mitigation:

  1. A thorough title search allows parties to address any issues before finalizing the transaction.
  2. Potential buyers can reduce risk by learning about any liens, mortgages, or court cases connected to the property.
  3. Before completing the deal, parties can resolve any concerns thanks to a comprehensive title search.

C. Legal Compliance:

  1. Title searches guarantee that the property conforms to zoning and municipal ordinances.
  2. A property’s legal status must be understood before any future development plans or land use modifications are made.

II. Legal Framework for Property Titles in Thailand

A. Land Code Act:

  1. One important piece of legislation controlling property ownership in Thailand is the property Code Act.
  2. It describes the different kinds of land titles and the legal procedures involved in buying and selling real estate.

B. Types of Land Titles:

  1. The most safe and thorough land title is a Chanote (Title Deed), which gives specifics regarding the ownership and boundaries of the land.
  2. Intermediate titles, Nor Sor 3 Gor and Nor Sor 3 Jor, are acknowledged for real estate transactions even though they have less information than Chanote.
  3. Limited rights are granted by Sor Kor 1, a possessory title that can be converted to Nor Sor 3 Gor or Chanote.

III. Steps Involved in a Title Search

A. Engaging Professional Services:

  1. Purchasers of real estate frequently engage the services of attorneys or title search firms that specialize in Thai real estate law.
  2. Experts handle the complicated legal system and correctly read property paperwork.

B. Verification of Land Title:

  1. The first step is to determine what kind of land title is attached to the property.
  2. Because they are concise and detailed, Chanote titles are typically favored.

C. Examining Encumbrances:

  1. A thorough historical analysis of the property identifies any liens, mortgages, or easements that may be present.
  2. Buyers are able to evaluate how these encumbrances will affect their plans for the future and the value of the property.

D. Investigating Legal Disputes:

  1. It is essential to look into any current legal challenges pertaining to the property.
  2. Making educated decisions requires resolving current conflicts or comprehending their ramifications.

E. Ensuring Proper Documentation:

  1. A crucial part of a title search is verifying that every property document is authentic and correctly completed.
  2. Maintaining the integrity of the transaction depends on making sure the information in these documents is accurate.

IV. Challenges in Title Search

A. Incomplete Records:

  1. There are situations when land records are out-of-date or incomplete, making it difficult to establish a precise title history.
  2. In order to give reliable assessments, professionals need to handle these circumstances with caution.

B. Informal Land Occupation:

  1. Title searches can be made more difficult by informal land occupation, particularly in rural areas.
  2. It is frequently difficult to reconcile differences between unofficial use and legal ownership.

V. Conclusion

In Thailand, conducting a comprehensive title search is an essential step in the real estate transaction process. By comprehending the complexities of land titles and working with experts in Thai real estate law, buyers and investors can reduce risks, guarantee legal compliance, and feel more confident about their investments. The diligence performed in title searches helps to a transparent and secure environment for property transactions as the real estate market continues to flourish, creating trust and sustainability in Thailand’s dynamic real estate landscape.

Thailand Board of Investment

Thailand Board of Investment

Driving foreign direct investment and promoting economic progress, the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) is a key organization in Thailand’s economy. Thailand’s industrial and technological developments are greatly aided by the BOI, which was established with the goal of attracting and facilitating investments. This article explores the importance, duties, rewards, and application procedure of the Thailand Board of Investment, highlighting the crucial role it plays in promoting the expansion and development of businesses.

I. Thailand Board of Investment’s Origins

The Office of the Prime Minister is home to the government organization known as the Thailand Board of Investment, which was founded in 1954. It was established to promote and facilitate investment in Thailand’s key industries by both domestic and foreign parties.

II. Objectives of the BOI

A. Encouraging Investment: The BOI’s main objective is to encourage and assist investment in sectors of the economy that complement Thailand’s growth plans.

B. Strengthening Economic Competitiveness: The BOI seeks to increase Thailand’s industries’ competitiveness on the international scene by providing a variety of incentives.

C. Fostering Technological Innovation: To promote industrial growth and raise productivity, the BOI supports the use of cutting-edge technology and innovation.

III. Investment Promotion and Priority Industries

Industries are categorized by the BOI, which also provides a range of incentives to entice investment. Manufacturing, mining, agro-industry, and services are examples of priority industries.

IV. BOI Investment Incentives

A. Tax Privileges: Depending on the industry and region, the BOI provides tax exemptions or reductions on corporate income tax for a predetermined amount of time.

B. Import Duty Exemption or Reduction: Projects that meet the eligibility requirements can benefit from import duty exemptions or reductions on machinery, raw materials, and necessary components.

C. Land Ownership and Use Rights: Under certain restrictions, foreign investors may be granted the right to possess land for the purpose of promoting certain activities.

D. Permission for Foreign Workers: Foreign technicians, experts, and skilled workers are permitted to work in Thailand by the BOI.

V. Application Process

A. Project Proposal and Eligibility: Investors must submit a project proposal that outlines their investment strategy and meets all eligibility requirements.

B. Submission of the BOI Application: The application is sent to the BOI together with the necessary paperwork.

C. BOI Evaluation and Approval: After reviewing the proposal, the BOI grants promotion privileges to the investment project.

VI. BOI and Economic Growth

A significant amount of foreign direct investment has been drawn to Thailand thanks in large part to the BOI, which has accelerated the country’s industrial growth, technical development, and job creation.

VII. Challenges and Future Endeavors

Even though the BOI has been essential to Thailand’s economic growth, it is still changing to meet new obstacles and take advantage of new opportunities in the world of international trade.


Thailand’s economic performance continues to be largely attributed to the Thailand Board of Investment, which promotes investment, technological development, and industrial expansion. The BOI’s array of incentives keeps drawing in both domestic and foreign investors, strengthening Thailand’s standing as a major player in the international market. Thailand’s future economic growth is expected to be greatly influenced by the BOI, as it embraces rising sectors and adjusts to changing economic environments.

Power of Attorney in Thailand

Power of Attorney in Thailand

An important legal tool in the complex world of business and law is the Power of Attorney (PoA), which gives someone the right to act on behalf of another. Thailand acknowledges and controls the use of power of attorney, in line with its foreign engagements and dynamic economic climate. This piece delves into the subtleties of Power of Attorney in Thailand, explaining its types, importance, and execution process.

I. Recognizing Thailand’s Power of Attorney

A. Definition

An individual, referred to as the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact,” is granted permission by a power of attorney to act on behalf of another individual, referred to as the “principal.”
The power bestowed may be general or particular, and it may be transient or permanent.

B. Significance in Legal Exchanges:

A power of attorney is an essential tool for enabling a variety of economic and legal operations, particularly in situations where the principal cannot be present in person.

C. Power of Attorney Types in Thailand:

  • A general power of attorney gives the agent extensive authority to act on the principal’s behalf in a variety of ways.
  • Particular Power of Attorney: Restricts the agent’s ability to undertake certain tasks or engage in certain transactions as specified in the document.
  • A limited or special power of attorney gives the agent powers for a predetermined amount of time and for a particular use.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: Is still enforceable in the event that the principal loses mental capacity.
  • Ordinary or non-durable powers of attorney expire if its principal becomes incapable of making decisions for themselves.

II. Thailand’s Power of Attorney Procedure

A. Composing the Draft:

  1. The Power of Attorney form must be drafted by the principal or their legal representative.
  2. The paper needs to be very clear about the authority provided, its extent, and any restrictions.

B. Selecting an Agent:

  1. The principle appoints a reliable person to serve as their agent.
  2. A person capable of carrying out the duties specified in the Power of Attorney shall serve as the agent.

C. Certification and Notarization:

  1. In Thailand, a Notary Public is required to notarize the Power of Attorney paperwork.
  2. Notarization guarantees the document’s legitimacy and is frequently necessary for it to be recognized legally.

D. Interpretation (if relevant):

  1. It could be necessary to translate a Power of Attorney into Thai if it was written in a language other than Thai.
  2. For legal validity, the translated document needs to be a part of the original.

E. Legalization, if appropriate:

  1. The Power of Attorney can require an Apostille or Ministry of Foreign Affairs legalization before being used internationally.
  2. Legalization guarantees that other countries will accept the document.

F. Registration, if necessary:

  1. It could be necessary to register some Power of Attorney forms with the local Land Office, particularly those pertaining to real estate transactions.
  2. An extra degree of legal legitimacy is added through registration.

III. Power of Attorney Applications in Thailand

A. Transactions in Real Estate:

  1. Assisting the main in the purchase or sale of real estate.
  2. Contract signing, acquiring licenses, and managing associated business.

B. Money-Related Issues:

  1. Handling investments, financial activities, and bank account management.
  2. Handling tax issues and filing on the principal’s behalf.

C. Legal Counseling:

  1. Advocating on behalf of the principle in court, arbitration, or mediation.
  2. Signing contracts and other legal documents on the principal’s behalf.

D. Commercial Exchanges:

  1. Representing the principal in partnerships, commercial negotiations, and contract negotiations.
  2. Managing commercial affairs, executing contracts, and making choices.

IV. Conclusion

In Thailand, a power of attorney is an effective legal tool that helps people handle corporate, financial, and legal issues with ease. It is essential for people and businesses involved in a variety of transactions to comprehend the forms, procedures, and applications of power of attorney. A well-written Power of Attorney guarantees that decisions are made with the principal’s permission and legal authority, whether it is being used to facilitate real estate transactions, handle financial problems, or represent someone in court. It is evidence of Thailand’s highly developed legal system and offers a structure for safe and efficient authority delegation in a range of personal and professional contexts.

Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand. A Notary Public plays a crucial role in verifying the legitimacy and authenticity of papers in the context of legal and business operations. As a center of global trade and business, Thailand has its own Notary Public service system, which is essential for approving and verifying a wide range of legal papers. The importance, uses, and procedure of notarization in Thailand are examined in this article.

Comprehending Thailand’s Notary Public

  • Definition: In Thailand, a licensed legal practitioner with the authority to administer oaths, witness signatures, and authenticate documents is known as a Notary Public. Notaries are essential for confirming the validity of documents that are used both domestically and abroad.
  • Authority and Appointment: In Thailand, notaries are appointed by the Ministry of Justice and function under the Ministry’s control. They have the power to administer oaths or affirmations, witness signatures, and certify copies of documents.

The Notary Public’s Roles in Thailand

  • Seeing the Signatures: Notaries confirm the identity of the signatory by witnessing the signing of documents. For affidavits, contracts, and other legal documents, this capability is essential.
  • Attesting Documents: Original document copies can have their authenticity as truthful and accurate reproductions attested to by notaries. For passports, academic transcripts, and other important documents, this is frequently necessary.
  • Giving Affirmations and Oaths: Those making sworn statements are given oaths or affirmations by notaries. Affidavits, statutory declarations, and legal affirmations frequently use this.
  • Foreign Notarization for Use: Documents intended for use in foreign transactions are frequently notarized by notaries in Thailand. This covers the paperwork involved in real estate transactions, business transactions, and court cases.

Thailand’s Notarization Procedure

  • Drafting of Documents: Make sure that all of the paperwork is ready and examined before applying for notarization. Documents ought to be precise, comprehensive, and compliant with Thai legal requirements.
  • Outward Presence: Before the Notary Public, the person requesting notarization must attend in person. This is done to confirm the person’s identity and observe document signing.
  • Identity Verification: Using official identification issued by the government, the Notary Public confirms the signature’s identity. This is an essential step in preventing fraud and guaranteeing the signature’s legitimacy.
  • Certificate of Notarial: A notarial certificate, attesting to the signature’s authenticity, is appended by the Notary Public once the document has been signed. The Notary’s seal, signature, and pertinent information are all included in the certificate.
  • Maintaining Documents: The notarized documents are kept on file by the Notary Public. These documents can be used for verification and are retained for a predetermined amount of time.

Notarization’s Significance in International Transactions

  • Recognition in International Law: Foreign authorities generally accept documents that have been notarized. This is essential for cross-border transactions, legal proceedings, and international enterprise.
  • Apostille and Legalization: Getting notarized is frequently a need for further procedures, such as getting legalized or getting an Apostille for usage abroad. These extra measures guarantee the document’s validity abroad.


In Thailand, maintaining the integrity of legal papers and enabling easy international transactions are key responsibilities of the Notary Public. Notarization gives a widely recognized and appreciated element of credibility to legal affirmations, business agreements, and real estate transactions. For people and companies involved in cross-border transactions, it is crucial to comprehend the roles played by notarization and the procedures involved in the process. This will guarantee that their documents are legitimate and recognized globally.

Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand. Real estate investing may be a thrilling endeavor, and Thailand has long been a popular place to make real estate purchases. It is essential to comprehend the nuances of property taxes if you are a homeowner or investment in Thailand. We will give a thorough overview of Thai property taxes in this post, along with information on the various taxes, their rates, and crucial factors to take into account as property owners.

Types of Property Taxes:

Thailand levies many property taxes, each with a distinct objective. The main taxes that apply to real estate in Thailand are as follows:

a) Land and Building Tax: The House and Land Tax was superseded by the Land and Building Tax Act, which was passed in 2019. Land and structures utilized for commercial, industrial, agricultural, and residential uses are subject to this tax. The kind of land and structure, the location, and the use all affect the tax rates. aspects to take into account for property owners.

b) Local Development Tax: This tax is imposed in order to fund local infrastructure development initiatives. Municipalities and provinces have varied tax rates, which are usually determined by the value of the land.

c) Specific Business Tax: There may be a Specific Business Tax due when a property is sold within five years of its purchase. 3.3% of the appraised value or the actual transaction price, whichever is larger, is the fixed tax rate.

d) Stamp Duty: A percentage of the actual transaction price, or the registered value, whichever is larger, is the amount of stamp duty that is applied to the transfer of ownership of properties. Whether the buyer is an individual or a business, as well as the kind of property (residential or commercial), affect the rate.

Land and Building Tax Rates:

The rates of land and building taxes in Thailand are determined by a number of variables, such as the kind of property, location, and land use. As of the time of writing, the general tax rates applicable to residential properties are as follows:

  • Land that is not in use: 0.5% of its assessed value
  • Land used for agriculture: 0.01% to 0.1% of the assessed value
  • Residential buildings and land: between 0.03% and 0.30% of the assessed value
  • Buildings and commercial land: 0.3% to 1.2% of the assessed value

Important Considerations:

a) Tax Assessment: Every four years, Thai property owners are expected to appraise their properties and report the results to the local government. Precise evaluation is essential since an underestimating could lead to penalties, whereas an overestimation could unnecessarily raise tax obligations.

b) Deadlines for Payment: In Thailand, real estate taxes are normally due on an annual basis. Knowing when the payments are due is crucial if you want to avoid fines or other costs.

c) Exemptions and Reductions: Depending on how they are used, some properties—such as agricultural land or properties utilized for charity purposes—may be free from taxes or subject to tax reductions. It is advisable to speak with local authorities or a tax expert to learn about the precise reductions and exemptions that are available.

d) Tax Planning and Professional Assistance: It can be quite helpful to obtain professional advice from tax consultants or attorneys with experience in Thai real estate legislation, given the complexity of property taxes in Thailand. They can guarantee regulatory compliance and offer advice on tax planning techniques.

Thailand’s property tax system may seem complicated, but property owners can successfully negotiate the tax environment provided they have a thorough awareness of the various taxes, rates, and related factors. Property investors and homeowners can effectively manage their tax liabilities and make well-informed decisions about their real estate investments in Thailand by remaining informed, consulting experts when necessary, and adhering to tax obligations.

Marriage in Thailand

There are a number of well-known subjects and features of marriage in Thailand about which people frequently seek knowledge. Here are a few popular topics of interest in Thailand about marriage:

1. The role of monks in Thai wedding ceremonies, the water-pouring ceremony, and other cultural customs are all included in this section on traditional Thai wedding customs.

2. Legal Requirements: Information about the prerequisite paperwork, age limitations, and eligibility standards for foreigners and Thai citizens getting married in Thailand.

3. Information on how to register a marriage in Thailand, including the necessary paperwork, steps to take, and where to go, including the District Office (Amphur).

4. Advice on marriage visas, commonly referred to as “Non-Immigrant O” visas, which let foreigners who are married to Thai citizens reside in Thailand for a prolonged period of time.

5. Pre-wedding preparation: advice and recommendations for couples preparing to wed in Thailand, including guidance on selecting wedding locations, working with wedding planners, and setting up destination weddings

6. Mixed-Culture Marriages: A look at the special features and issues that come into play when two people marry, one of whom is Thai and the other from a different race or culture.

7. Thailand’s divorce procedure is described here, along with information on the legal requirements, asset split, child custody, and other relevant factors.

8. Same-Sex Marriage: News and details about the acceptance and legality of same-sex unions in Thailand, as well as the rights and advantages open to same-sex couples

9. Photographers, videographers, and other wedding service providers in Thailand come highly recommended for wedding photography and services.

10. Popular wedding sites in Thailand include Phuket, Koh Samui, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai. These destinations also provide details on wedding venues, resorts, and local attractions.

When it comes to marriage in Thailand, these subjects mirror those about which people frequently seek knowledge. It’s vital to remember that certain conditions and regulations could change depending on a person’s situation, nationality, and region. To ensure adherence to all legal requirements and organize a great wedding experience, it is advised to consult with legal experts or wedding planners who specialize in Thai weddings.

Transfer of Property Ownership in Thailand

Transfer of Property Ownership in Thailand

Transfer of Property Ownership in Thailand

Buying or selling a property in Thailand is done by signing a standard sale and purchase contract. This must comply with the land code laws, including the Condominium Act. The sale and purchase contract must also be notarized in your home country. If the property is purchased through an offshore company, documents such as company incorporation documents, shareholder lists, and director ID’s must be translated into Thai and notarized at the Thai Embassy Consulate.

Buying or selling a property in Thailand involves paying transfer fees to the Land Department. These fees vary depending on the type of property being purchased. These fees are usually divided between the seller and the buyer. The seller will have to bring the original title deed of the property and a cashier cheque for the transfer fees.

Aside from the transfer fees, a withholding tax must also be paid by the seller. This tax is 1% of the sale price and is paid in order to prevent a buyer from undercutting the seller in order to avoid paying more transfer fees. The withholding tax is calculated on the highest amount declared, so if the property is being sold to a child, the taxes will be different than if it is being sold to another adult. In some cases, the buyer will be required to pay a special business tax. This tax is only payable if the apartment is sold within 5 years of acquisition.

Before the transfer of ownership takes place, a reference letter from the bank must be obtained from the developer. This letter must specify the details of the condominium and the name of the buyer. It must be signed by the banker in Thai language. The buyer can also request to keep these documents. In case the purchaser does not wish to keep the documents, the developer will keep them until the transfer of ownership takes place.

A foreigner can buy a condominium in Thailand under their own name, or a mixed Thai and foreign ownership company. This is a time tested system that has been in place for years. However, foreign ownership of condominiums in Thailand can cause problems, such as infringement of the foreigner quota. Typically, 49% of condominiums in Thailand must be owned by Thai citizens.

As a foreigner, you may have to pay a fee for the writing of the contract and for the control of the deed of the property. These fees can range from 30,000 to 100 000 Thai baht. If the property is being purchased through an offshore company, the fees may also be higher, because the company will need to be translated into Thai language.

To transfer ownership of a condominium, you will also need to pay a fee to the Land Department. These fees are usually around 2% of the appraised value of the property. The fee is normally shared between the buyer and the seller, though it is not uncommon for the buyer to pay the fee.

Sales Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand

Contract Review in Thailand

Taking the time to review a sales contract is an important step toward a smooth and successful transaction. You need to ensure that the details on the purchase contract are correct. A mistake such as paying the wrong price can be disastrous. A good contract review service can ensure that you are not making a fool of yourself.

Contract Review Service

There is a lot of information to be gleaned from a sale contract. It is important to make sure that you are buying the right property at the right price. A sales contract is a legally binding document between you and your prospective buyer, so you need to be careful and well-informed. It is also advisable to use a contract review service to avoid legal headaches down the line. A contract review service can ensure that you are not paying for a substandard product.

The best contract review service will provide you with a comprehensive review of the contract you have just signed. They will also ensure that you are paying the right price. The best contracts are crafted with your best interests in mind. This can save you a lot of grief down the line. The contract review service will also highlight if you are buying a dud property.

Check the Legality of the Contract

The most important part of the process is determining whether or not the contract you are signing is a legal document. There are many legal and ethical issues that can arise when you sign a contract, so you need to ensure that you are not signing away your hard earned cash in the worst possible way. A good contract review service will not only ensure that you are paying for the right product, but also that you are not signing away your hard earned money in the worst possible way.

There are many ways to do this. You can hire a contract review service to perform a comprehensive review of your contract, or you can just take a chance and risk a contract that will be a dud. Whether you are buying or selling a home or land, a contract review service can ensure that you are not signing away your hard-earned money in the worst possible way. A contract review service can also ensure that you are paying for a contract that is legally binding, so you can rest easy knowing that you are getting the right price.

The best part of a sales contract review is that you will get to see the product you are buying for the first time, so you can be confident that you are making the right decision. A sales contract review service will ensure that you are not signing away your hard-earned cash in the worst possible way.

Due Diligence in Thailand

Due Diligence in Thailand

Due Diligence in Thailand

Buying a property in Thailand involves a series of procedures known as due diligence. These include a thorough search for legal issues and a physical inspection of the property. These processes are critical for protecting your investment. The process can be expensive and time-consuming, but it can save you from dealing with scams or frauds. A lawyer can provide this service for you.

Processes of  Due Diligence

The first part of the due diligence process is to check the status of the property’s title. You can do this by looking at the land title deed, which a lawyer will present to you. This document contains information on the land’s description, ownership history, and other important details. You should also check whether the property’s boundaries match the title deed. This is especially important if you are buying condominium property. If the boundaries do not match, you will have to investigate if there are usufructs on the property. The usufructs may not be registered, but they may be valid. You can also check whether the land is surrounded by gas pipelines and whether it is protected by registered rights.

The next part of the due diligence process is to check whether the seller has legal rights to sell the property. Checking the seller’s background is essential because there are a number of land scams in Thailand. A good lawyer can investigate the seller’s financial capacity, and whether the seller is licensed to sell the property. You should also check whether the property is registered at the Land Office and whether there are any outstanding taxes. If there are problems, the lawyer can help you resolve them.

Another important part of the due diligence process is to check if the property has a building permit. A building permit is necessary for transferring the property’s ownership to another party. You can obtain a building permit for a specific period of time or for the lifetime of the landowner. You should also check if the property is free from mortgages and liens. If the property is not free from mortgages and liens, you could face legal problems. You should also check whether the land has been sold before. This is important because errors in the title registration can have legal consequences.

The third part of the due diligence process is to check for any liens or legal problems that may arise. This can include checking the land title deed for liens and checking the court database for any lawsuits. You should also check whether the seller’s name has been included on a liens list. This can prevent you from buying a property from someone who has a history of liens. If the seller is not registered, you should avoid purchasing the property.

Another part of the due diligence process involves checking the developer’s background. If a developer has been involved in any litigation, you should ask your property lawyer about it. You should also check whether the developer has any government permits or liens on the property.